CUPE response to October 9th MCCSS briefing

Another audit, investigation, or review is not what families in Ontario need. We have a list of 396 recommendations for sweeping reform. Those recommendations came out of coroner’s inquests into four tragic deaths of children and youth in care in this province since 2010 and they are a blueprint for how our system can better…

Ford government’s new proposal for long-term care regulations will worsen staffing crisis & erode quality of care for residents, warns CUPE

The Ford government’s plan to permanently employ lower-trained workers to replace PSWs caring for increasingly vulnerable long-term care residents is fraught with risk, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees. The union is instead calling for a robust health care human resources strategy to recruit the tens of thousands of personal support workers required in…

Ford government’s audit of child protection system another smokescreen to evade responsibility for mounting crisis in child protection sector

Many hundreds of young people in Ontario have been warehoused in hotels, motels, office buildings and worse because of an acute crisis of care the provincial government has manufactured. Four years into a “redesign” of the province’s children’s aid system with no progress to show for its efforts, it’s clear the announced audit is another…

Giant Trojan Horse visits Queen’s Park as OCHU-CUPE and Ontario Health Coalition protest privatization of hospital services

In response to the government’s plan to issue new licenses to for-profit clinics this fall, OCHU and OHC are demanding that money be invested in public hospitals instead TORONTO – Symbolizing the threat of the plan to privatize hospital surgeries, a 15-foot replica of the Trojan Horse visited legislators at Queen’s Park today. The metaphor…

Underfunding, understaffing and better services for residents behind 92% strike vote at CUPE South Riverdale Community Health Centre

TORONTO – Health and social workers who are passionate about the outreach services they provide to residents of South Riverdale have sent an unmistakable signal that they are no longer prepared to tolerate the harmful effects of severe underfunding and understaffing at South Riverdale Community Health Centre (SRCHC). On Tuesday, members of CUPE 5399, which represents over 120…