Pre-Convention Newsletter

CUPE Ontario’s 57th Annual Convention Begins. Over 1,000 delegates are getting together to build power. We’ve been through a lot the last year. We’ve lost loved ones and neighbours and we’ve witnessed our communities avoidably burdened instead of supported. But we’re getting through this because Public Services Save Lives and because, together, we’re building power…

Health care resolutions call for end to for-profit LTC, privatization of patient care, and exploitation of racialized health care workers

In a year dominated by a pandemic, health care resolutions kicked off the policy and action plan debate at CUPE Ontario’s 57th annual convention. CUPE Ontario Secretary-Treasurer Candace Rennick urged delegates to support Resolution #55, calling for the Provincial government takeover of privately-owned and managed long-term care homes and the creation of a system that…

Health and safety workers at IHSA target systemic sexism in collective agreement negotiations, trigger countdown to possible job action

Toronto, ON — Ontario’s construction, infrastructure, and transportation industries may come to a grinding halt by the mid of June, reports the Ontario Compensation Employees Union (OCEU)/ Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1750, whose employer rejected several proposals to address workplace barriers that prevent women from advancement, skill development, and participation in the…