Ford shoots back at claims Ontario should provide sick leave to those impacted by pandemic

Just as Ontario Premier Doug Ford was outlining the latest stay-at-home order from the Ontario government, CUPE Ontario (Canadian Union of Public Employees) said the announcement was a demonstration of Ontario’s “deep political failure” during the pandemic. In a hard-hitting news release, CUPE said any stay-at-home order must include some sort of legislated effort at paid…

“Any successful stay-at-home order must include legislated paid sick days”: CUPE Ontario

TORONTO, ON – The stay-at-home order is yet another sign of the Conservative Government’s deep political failure during this pandemic, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario. “Every single expert makes it clear that the people contracting COVID-19 in this third wave are essential front-line workers and members of racialized communities,” said Fred…