Health care workers rally at Queen’s Park drive-by action: No more temporary fixes, tomorrow’s Ontario budget must include respect, protection and pay for dedicated front-line staff

TORONTO, ON – Ahead of tomorrow’s budget in Ontario, hospital, and long-term care workers, who have borne the worst of pandemic risks in the last year, surrounded Queen’s Park in a drive-by action with a clear message for Premier Doug Ford and his finance minister: Respect Us. Protect Us. Pay Us. After a year of…

Ford Government Minister’s funding announcement for colleges and universities ‘woefully inadequate and not up to task—just like Ford Government: CUPE Ontario

TORONTO, ON – CUPE Ontario today called an abrupt funding announcement late last week by Provincial Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities Minister Ross Romano a real-time example of just how ill-equipped the Ford Conservatives are to respond to the challenges facing Ontario’s post-secondary education sector. “Minister Romano’s announcement Friday was textbook Ford Government,” said…

Peterborough, Durham Region communities urged to back call for human rights inquiry into years of systemic ageism in health policies that contributed to LTC COVID-19 deaths

Peterborough/Durham, ON – Advocates asking the Human Rights Commission for a ground-breaking probe into years of systemic ageism in Ontario’s health system are urging Peterborough, Oshawa and central east area residents to get behind their call for a public inquiry. The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC), the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) the hospital division…