Government’s move towards lower classification of workers is not good for Long-Term Care residents: CUPE

Toronto, ON – The Ontario government’s move towards hiring a lower classification of workers in long-term care will have consequences for residents and workers, says the Canadian Union of Public Employees. The government’s announcement on Monday called on unemployed workers, including those displaced from the retail and hospitality sector to help out at long-term care…

Concern mounts as five regionally-operated child care centres in the Region of Waterloo at risk of closure, says CUPE Ontario

Waterloo, ON—Child care workers, advocates, parents, and caregivers anticipate that a recent external review, conducted by consulting firm KPMG on the regionally-operated child care centres in the Region of Waterloo, will recommend to Regional Council the immediate closure of five child care centres servicing families in the area. “The prospect of closing or off-loading child…