Ford’s child care re-opening disastrous, earns F on report card says CUPE Ontario

Toronto, ON — Ford’s conservatives continue to steer child care in Ontario on a disastrous course, as tens of thousands of parents prepare to return-to-work without accessible child care. “We’re giving the Ford government an F for their botched child-care re-opening,” says Carrie Lynn Poole-Cotnam. “Child care centres are faced with enormous challenges during COVID-19.…

“Front-line workers in the public and the private sector deserve a permanent pay increase:” CUPE Ontario stands in solidarity with UFCW 175 & 633

Our communities are getting through this crisis, and will thrive on the other side, because of the efforts of front-line workers. These are the workers in our long-term care facilities caring for the elderly; in group homes caring for people with disabilities and providing a range of supports for the most vulnerable; in our towns and cities, providing…

“Front-line workers deserve a permanent pay increase”: CUPE Ontario says reopening is time for a new normal

(TORONTO, ON) With Toronto and Peel joining nearly all of Ontario in entering Stage 2 of reopening, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario calls for a new normal with a permanent front-line pay increase. Until August 16, almost 400,000 front-line workers in Ontario will receive a $4/hour pandemic pay increase as an acknowledgement…