Ontario’s public services are in crisis because of low wages.
For years, governments have underfunded services, cut jobs, and most recently, used legislation to cap public sector wage increases at 1%.
The result? Workers are struggling to get by on what they earn. Hospitals, long-term care homes, child care centres, schools, universities, municipalities, and social services can’t keep or hire enough staff to provide the high quality, vital care and services Ontarians need.
Investing in better wages for public sector workers means investing in a better Ontario for everyone.
We depend on the frontline workers who deliver Ontario’s public services. They deserve wages they can live on.
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Dear Premier:
For more than a decade, public sector wages have failed to keep up with inflation. Successive governments, including yours, have made it a practice to force our public services do more with less.
We are now seeing the consequences: our public services are threadbare and the workers who deliver them – in hospitals, schools, long-term care homes, child care centres, social service agencies, universities, municipalities, and elsewhere – are leaving these jobs in their thousands, pushed out by low and stagnant wages. Those that stay often must resort to holding second or third jobs, using food banks, or taking on debt to make ends meet.
Ontario needs these workers to deliver vital public services, but attracting and retaining qualified workers begins with paying them properly.
That is why I’m calling on your government to:
- abandon the appeal of the court’s decision on Bill 124.
- put real money into ministry budgets to fund real wage increases for front line workers as part of a workforce strategy to support and stabilize Ontario’s public services.
- provide incentives to encourage workers to stay, return or join the public sector workforce.
- stop all interference in public sector workers right to bargain fair wage increases that keep up with the cost of living.
Public sector workers make Ontario work. We need our provincial government to commit to strong action to retain and recruit the people who provide vital services – and that starts with better wages for public sector workers.

Email Doug Ford and your MPP to demand better wages for public sector workers.
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