CUPE Ontario: Urgent letter to Premier in advance of tomorrow’s meeting on CPP reform in Vancouver

RE: Urgent letter re CPP talks in Vancouver Dear Premier Wynne, Minister Sousa and Associate Minister Naidoo-Harris, This month is an important one for the future of retirement security in our country. The federal government is holding its second round of discussions on expanding the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). Clearly this is an issue you…


Paramedics from across Ontario stand with colleagues in Chatham-Kent over concerns about proposed changes to area’s emergency response system

TORONTO, CHATHAM-KENT, ON – Maintaining long-term, top quality emergency medical response for the residents of Chatham-Kent must be the top priority for the Mayor and council, said Jeff Van Pelt, from the Ontario Paramedics Working Group, at an info picket today outside the Chatham-Kent Municipal Building. Organized by local paramedics, represented by the Service Employees…
